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The Ultimate Dos and Don’ts of Holiday Cleaning

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

The holiday season is just around the corner, and there’s lots to prepare for. You’ll probably be having plenty of guests popping by every week and have to play host frequently.

You’ll also have to plan to purchase supplies and groceries, decide what to cook, and make arrangements for decorations. In all, it can be quite overwhelming, especially if you have limited help.

One thing you can do to make things easier for yourself before you get caught up in the fast-paced atmosphere of the holiday season is to get your cleaning activities right.

Cleaning Supplies Laid Out in Preparation for the Holidays

The Dos of Holiday Cleaning

Here are a few cleaning activities that you absolutely cannot do without:

Plan Ahead

Planning can ease your holiday cleaning activities by a lot. This way, you can tackle each task knowing what’s next and save time thinking about what you need to do next. Take the time to draw up a to-do list of chores and other arrangements before everything heats up, and you’ll be glad you did.

Clean the HVAC Air Filters

Amid the hustle and bustle, one of the easiest things to forget is the crucial task of cleaning out the air filters. Over time, your HVAC air filters accumulate a lot of debris, which affects their capacity to work effectively. When this happens, your air quality drops, which is something you want to avoid with guests frequenting your house throughout the holiday season. So, make time to clean your air filters and replace them if necessary.

Organize Your Space

Another thing to do is to organize your space, ensure everything is where it should be, and declutter. You can start from your rooms and entry closets, eliminating unnecessary items there.

Afterward, you can move on to the bathroom and kitchen and do justice there. Organizing the space and decluttering makes the house feel more spacious and comfortable and makes cleaning much easier.

Clean Out the Kitchen Floors

Since a lot of your activities will be done here, it makes sense to take the time to clean the floors thoroughly to avoid accidents while preparing tasty food for your visitors. You should also wipe your cabinets, drawers, and countertops to make your kitchen presentable for your guests.

The Don’ts of Holiday Cleaning

Here’s a list of things to avoid during your holiday cleaning:

Don’t Be in a Hurry

Rushing cleaning is a precursor to making errors and forgetting to clean essential spots. With holiday cleaning, it’s much wiser to take the time to do everything correctly rather than hurry.

Don’t Do the Job Alone

Try as much as you can to avoid doing the cleaning alone. You’ll overburden yourself if you do, especially if you have a big house. Besides, it's easy to be lazy and do a shoddy job when you're overly exhausted.

Don’t Forget to Dust

Dusting is one of the simplest yet most essential things in your holiday cleaning. So, be sure to wipe your mantel, shelves, end table, coffee table, and decor where dust might have settled.

Don’t Forget to Put Away the Tools

After you have completed your cleaning, don’t forget to store the equipment you used in the correct place, such as in the garage. It’s easy to forget and leave them lying around, where they’ll be an eyesore when the guests begin to arrive.

Spruce up Your Home Ahead of the Holiday Season

Holiday cleaning, ultimately, is best left to the experts. There's a lot to do and plenty that you could easily overlook. Plus, your tight schedule might not allow for the thorough cleaning that your home deserves. Call or send us an email to get your space ready for the holiday festivities.

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